Caring for the Children

Topaza is an orphanage up high in the hills of Antananarivo, Madagascar. It houses about 45 children who range from infants to young adults, all cared for by the dedicated staff who has remained consistent for many years. Because of complicated adoption laws in Madagascar, most of these children will remain in Topaza for the duration of their young life. These children, as with any family of children, have a variety of needs which need to be met. Some suffer from long term illness, others have learning delays but all need basic care of dentistry, eye exams and well checks.

Over the years FPCO played a variety of roles to attempt enrich the lives of the children who call Topaza home. Through various fun raising efforts we have provided bedding, hand made clothing, daily vitamins, access to medications, medical care, tutoring, occasional celebratory meals and sadly covered costs of a child’s funeral.

Children need opportunities to learn and grow, with the help of local volunteers, we were able to provide a two year experience of hosting and raising quails while harvesting their eggs for their vast nutritional value. The children learned how to care for quail daily by feeding and cleaning their cages. This was a beautiful hands on opportunity for these children to gain long term life skills.

Topaza is an incredibly special place, Directed by the long term and devoted Tantely, she a mother to all. She raises them in the faith, trusting God above all else. For this is the true foundation wealth.

Support Topaza Orphanage