Our Team

The Partners Fund Committee represents a small group of individuals who have experienced the love of so many people who are associated with FJKM, our “sister” denomination in Madagascar, with a membership of nearly 6 million.  We are a group who feel that we have learned more from our friends in Madagascar than we have been able to do for them.  The relationship through First Presbyterian Church of Orlando is a long relationship that predates almost all of us involved today.  The resurgence of interest in Madagascar came following a visit to Madagascar by Case Thorp and Don Brown.  They were on a trip to Ethiopia and casually decided that they would “drop by” Madagascar to visit Dan and Elizabeth Turk, our mission partners in Madagascar.  God was clearly instrumental in that visit, and upon returning to Orlando there was great interest in sharing the experience with others.  Much has happened to affirm the relationship and our biggest regret is that Madagascar is 9,000 miles (about 19 hours by air) away from Orlando.  Our love for Christ’s Kingdom and our love and respect for our brothers and sisters in Madagascar are the cords that bind our “group” together in synergistic support of each other in spite of the many miles that separate us. 

The Partners Fund is a fund set up under National Charitable Fund, Inc. National Charitable Fund, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit. Our EIN is 65-0462974.

Our Partners

DORA MAE Jewelry, located in Orlando, Florida, employs girls in Madagascar to create custom chains for their designer jewelry. Ansley Schrimsher, founder and lead designer, has traveled to the Behoririka Girls School to train young woman how to create the custom chains and has helped employ many woman after graduation. You may purchase jewelry to support their employment or read more about this partnership.